Monday, June 28, 2021

Electronics (Basics)

Here , I am listing some of the frequently asked questions which might be useful for anyone preparing an interview for core Electronics companies. Please post your answers in the comment section.
I will be updating the answers gradually here inline.

1) What are different types of Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT) and when do we use them?

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2) How does the MOSFET works?

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3) What is the difference between TTL and CMOS?


4) What is comparator ? Explain application and Circuits Diagram

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5) What do you mean by Fan-out and Fan-in? ( Explain with some circuit/block diagram)

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6) What are different types of voltage regulators ? Give any Practical Regulator example

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7) What is sample and Hold Circuits? Draw the circuit diagram and explain some applications of it.

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8) Explains different parameters of Op-Amp like slew rate, CMRR, PSRR, Input Offset Voltage , Input/output Impedance etc.


9) Draw the circuit diagram of Integrator and Differentiator using Op-Amp?


10) What is gain-bandwidth product in Op-Amp?

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11) What is the difference between CPLD and FPGA?


12) What are different types of filters ? Draw the circuits diagram.

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13) What are the different parameters taken into care while selecting an Op-Amp ?

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14) What is the difference between Micro-processor and Micro-Controller ? Give one example of a Micro-Processor and Micro-controller.

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15) What is LVDT ?

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16) What do you mean by Ground Bounce? How can you mitigate the effect of ground bounce?


17) What are the different types of Micr0-architecture ?

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18) What is Jitter? How to mitigate the effect of jitter in circuits ?

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19) What are the different types of ADCs? Explain the pros and cons of each type.

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20) What is latch- up in CMOS Circuit ? Explain with diagram. How to minimize the effect of Latch-up?


21) What important parameters you will look for while selecting a MOSFET?


22) How do you design a Voltage to Frequency converter?

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23) Mention some devices which shows negative impedance behavior ?


24) What are the different applications of comparators?

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25) What is Hysteresis ? Explain with graph.


26) What is relaxation oscillator? Mention some applications of it.

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27) What are different types of flip-flops? How to make JK Flip-flop to work as D flip-flop?

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28) What are the applications of Zenar and Schottky Diodes ?

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29) What are the advantages of using bridge amplifier over full wave rectifier ?


30) What are the different types of memory devices ?

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31) Mention some of the protocol which support serial communication?

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32) What is PID Controller ?

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33) Explain the working principle of Uni-Junction Transistor (UJT)?

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34) What is the difference between flip-flop and latch ?

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35) What are different types of MOSFETs?

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36) What do you mean by thermal run away in the transistors ? What is the condition of thermal run away ?

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37) Draw the circuit diagram of Clipper and Clamping Circuits ? What are their applications?

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38) What is Darlington pair in transistors ? What are the advantage of it?

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39) What is the difference between positive and negative feedback amplifiers ? Explain the use case of both type of feedback.

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40) Why do we call BJT as current controlled ans MOSFET as voltage controlled device?

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41) How does impedance mismatch in signal path effects the signal strength ?

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42) How do you ensure that the impedance matching between the driver and the receiver is maintained?

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43) What is the difference between hardware reset and software reset in micro-processor /micro-controller ?

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44) How do you overcome the common mode noise in amplifier?

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45) What are active and passive electronic devices ? Give example of both types.

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46) What is thyrister and what are its application?

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47) What are different types of oscillators ? Explain with example.

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48) What are different types of semiconductors ? Give one example of each.

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49) What are different types of noise? How noise gets introduced in electronics circuits ?

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50) What is buffer ? What is the importance of using buffer in any circuit?

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51) What are different types of DAC? Draw the circuit.

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52) Draw some circuit which can convert voltage to current ? What do you call such circuits ?

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53) What is thermocouple ?

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54) What is PLL and FLL?

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55) Explain Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) and its working principle?

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56) What are the important aspects which need to taken care while interfacing a microprocessor to a memory device ?

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57) What is JTAG and what are its applications ?

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58) How will you convert a square wave from a sine wave ?

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59) What is Mono-stable and A-stable Multi-vibrators ?

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60) Mention and draw a circuit which can convert data from serial to parallel and vice-versa ?

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61) What are the most important considerations to be taken care while selecting a micro-controller for a given application ?

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62) What are different types of Grounding methods available in PCB Design ?

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63) What is Watch Dog Timer (WDT) ? Mention its functionality ?

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64) What is memory banking ?

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65) What is miller effect ?

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66) Describe some of the differences between 8085 and 8086 Micro-controller ?

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67) How to improve /decrease slew rate of an Op-Amp?

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68) What are the stability determining parameters of a system ?

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69) How to set gain of an amplifier ?

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70) What is Schmitt trigger? What are its applications ?

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71) How is Schmitt Trigger comparator circuit is better than normal comparator circuit ?


72) What are the difference between SDRAm and DDRAM?

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73) What are the advantages of NAND and NOR Gates ?

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74) What are the major causes of radiation emissions ?

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75) Why should we separate analog and digital grounds in PCB?

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76) What is feed forward method and how it is helpful in predictive control circuits ?

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77) What is CISC and RISC Architecture?

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78) How many address lines are needed for interfacing a 8KB of memory ?

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79) What do mean by instruction cycle?

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80) What is program counter and stack pointer in processor ?

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81) What is interrupt latency ? How can it be reduced ?

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82) Define HCMOS?

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83) What does microprocessor depends on?

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84) What is the directionality of address and data bus in a processor ?

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85) What is the difference between Micro-processor and Micro-controller ?

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86) What is meant by LATCH?

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87) Why does micro-processor contain ROM memory?

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88) What are the differences between primary and secondary storage devices ?

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89) What is cache memory ? Explain the uses/applications of it?

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90) What is interrupt ? Why it is useful in real applications?

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91) What is called scratch pad of computer?

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92) What is difference between RAM and ROM?

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93) What do mean by compiler and interpreter in Embedded System Design ?


94) What is the importance of flags in Processor Design ?

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95) What is Stack in Processor ?

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96) Can ROM Memory be used as Stack in Processor ?

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97) What is pipe-lining in Processor Design ?

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98) What do mean by Out-of-Order Execution in Processor ?

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99) What is NV-RAM ?

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