1) Why do we have ‘hready’ as an input to the slave device?
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2) What is the issue with below code snippets?
3) What is the FIFO depth we need to synchronize data between 100MHz (Source) and 25MHz (Destination) domain OR
What is the minimum required FIFO depth to transfer data from a 100 MHz to 25 MHz domain with any data loss?
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4) Design circuits to implement AND, OR , XOR and Latch using 2*1 MUX?
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5) Write Verilog HDL code to implement a F/3 Frequency counter?
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6) Why AXI protocol does not have a ‘hready’ signal?
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7) How will you find a out of range clock signal? How to calculate the phase of a signal?
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8) What are the different types of data synchronizers and their specific application?
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9) What is the issue with below circuit with respect to ‘hold’ timing check?
Note : D0 is +ve Edge FF and D1 is -ve Edge FF
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10) What are combinational loops in a design and how they impact the design adversely?
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11) Explain CDC Convergence and Divergence Problem?
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