Fundamentals of LINT
Lint :
- A Static analysis of code (e.g HDL) based on a series of rules and guidelines that reflect good coding practices, common errors that tend to lead to buggy code or problems
- Lint tools are used to check potential mismatches between simulation and synthesis in VLSI Design
- Lint incorporates syntactical compliance checks against various coding best practice standards such as STARC
- Lint can catch bugs without requiring specific test vectors and hence reduces the number of simulation cycles needed to achieve coverage of a logic block
- Industry standard Famous LINT Tools : Synopsys SpyGlass, LEDA
Typical LINT Targets :
- Unintentional Latches (Latch inference)
- Unused Declarations
- Un-Synthesizable Constructs
- Missing Parameters in Hierarchical Modules
- Race Conditions
- Multiple Driver issue
- Undriven Signals
- Incorrect uses of Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignments
- Formation of Combinational Loops
- Case Statement Style issue
- Set and Reset Conflicts
- Out-of-Bound Indexing
----------------------------------------------Happy Learning--------------------------------------------
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