Thursday, April 28, 2022

Digital System Design - INTRODUCTION

Digital System Design -

- Digital System - Which represents information using a binary system (Logic 0/1 Values)

- Process of designing or developing such systems is known as 'Digital System Design'

- Examples : Personal Computers(PCs), Mobiles

Advantages and Applications of Digital Systems -

Advantages -

- Cheaper and easier to design

- Easy to store, transmit and manipulate information

- Reproducibility of information

Applications -

- 'Digitization' applications including information(Computes), telecommunications and control systems

- Many analog circuits are getting replaced with digital circuits/systems

Example -

1) Image processing - Replacing a silver-halide files to digital camera

2) Audio - Tape to Music CD to MP3(MPEG Layer 3) Player

3) Telephone switching networks

4) Mechanical control systems

Digital System Design -

- Systems design is the process of defining the architecture, product design, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements.
- Digital Systems are made of different digital electronics components .i.e Logic Gates, Registers, Counters, Memories, Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders etc

Examples -

- Digital Wireless Transmitter System

- Digital Wireless Receiver System

System Representation (View) -

- Different perspectives of a system
- Mainly 3 perspectives

1) Behavioral View :
- Describes the functionalities of the system and I/O behavior. The system is treated as a Black Box.

2) Structural View :
- Describes the internal implementation of a system .i.e system components and interconnects. In netshell, the block diagram of a system

3) Physical View :
- Expanded structural view which adds more info to structural view. For example - Components locations, component size, interconnect/routing wires etc. Example - Layout of a Printed Circuit Board(PCB)


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