In this blog post we will be get to know about how many total Boolean logic functions are possible with a single / two input digital system.
Let's start with a single input system as below -
- The total Boolean functions which can be obtained from Single Input System are as below -
Function |
Name of the Boolean Function |
Meaning |
0 |
Null |
Always 0 |
1 |
Identity |
Always 1 |
A |
Transfer |
Pass Value of A |
Bar{A} |
Pass Negated
Value of A |
Table #1: Single Input System Boolean Functions
-Hence, total Boolean functions which can be obtained from a Single Input System are 4
- In General : Total Boolean Functions Obtained from an 'N' Input System are 2^{2^{N}}
Now, Let's see what all Boolean Functions can be obtained from a 2 Input System as below-
-Table below captures all the 16 Boolean functions possible for a 2 Input System.
Function |
Name of the Boolean Function |
Meaning |
0 |
Null |
Always 0 |
1 |
Identity |
Always 1 |
A |
Transfer |
Pass Value of A |
B |
Transfer |
Pass Value of B |
Bar{A} |
Pass Negated
Value of A |
Bar{B} |
Pass Negated
Value of B |
A*B |
1 Only if A and B
both are 1 |
Bar{A*B} |
0 Only if A and B
both are 1 |
A+B |
OR |
0 Only if A and B
both are 0 |
Bar{A+B} |
1 Only if A and B
both are 0 |
A + Bar{B}
Implication |
If B, then A |
+ B |
Implication |
If A, Then B |
A*Bar{B}] |
Inhibition |
A but not B |
Bar{A}*B |
Inhibition |
B but not A |
A or B, but not
both |
1 if A equals to
B |
Table #2 : 2 Input System Boolean Functions
Implication Function : In implication logic, the output will either be driven to a high or would replicate the state of one of the inputs, depending on the value of the other input.
Inputs |
Output |
A |
B |
Y |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Inputs |
Output |
A |
B |
Y |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Table #4: Inhibition – A inhibits B [A * Bar{B}]
Thank !
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