Key Suggestions/Best Practices for RTL Design
1) Always Partition Your Design into Small Blocks :
- Partition the design into subsystems which is easy to design and test individual
- Use Major/Minor FSMs whenever appropriate
2) Always Try to Use Same Edge Triggered Flip Flops:
- If there are multiple clock domain , careful about passing the information from one clock domain to another clock domain
- Proper clock domain crossing need to take place in order to corrupt any data passing between two clock domains
- Beware of clock skew
3) Design Should be "Glitch" Free:
- There is always glitch problem with combinations circuits
- Never drive any critical asynchronous control signal ( Clock , Write Enable etc ) directly from the output of combinational logic
- Whenever needed, always try to create glitch free signals by registering them
- Always ensure a stable combinational logic output before it is sampled by clock
4) Synchronize all Asynchronous Signals:
- Synchronize by using N-DFF ( Ex : 2-DFF Synchronizer)
5) Always Avoid Tri-State Bus Contention by Design
6) Use Asynchronous Memories Carefully:
- Make sure write pulse is glitch free
- Avoid any address change when Write Enable is True
- Avoid any Z (High Impedance) address to SRAM when CE is asserted
7) During Block - to - Block Communication -
- Might need to synchronize signals
- Asynchronous Protocols can also be used
Thanks !