Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Verilog HDL Examples - Design of an Event Detector (Circuit Design)

Problem : Design a circuit which detects and event (for one clock cycle) whenever there is a change (Either rising edge or falling edge)in the input signal

Solution :

1) The input signal is asynchronous to the Event Detector logic domain -

Note: The data_in must come out of a register from the source domain or the logic for data_in must be generated in such a way that it is spike free otherwise the synchronizer could catch a glitch and can pass it to the detected event_out

2) The input signal is synchronized to the Event Detector logic domain -


- When data_in is generated from a different clock domain than 'CLK', a synchronizer (e.g standard 2 -DFF ) is used to synchronize the data_in in the 'CLK' clock domain

- The event_out will get delayed by 2 clock cycles in this case

Waveform :

Please feel free to like/share and comment for any doubts/clarifications regarding Event Detector circuit design.

---------------------------------------------------------Happy Learning --------------------------------


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