Thursday, July 29, 2021

Digital Circuit Design - Problem#3

Problem : Design a digital logic circuit to generate a stick bit as shown in the below waveform. The circuit takes an input as I/P and runs at a clock speed of CLK

Solution :

- Once the input is high the output should always remain high irrespective of whether the I/P signal is toggling at later point of time or not

- Lets have a look at below circuit diagram and see if it matches our expectation -

- As you see here once the input goes high and it is captured properly by the flop , then by the incorporation of an OR gate the D input of the flop will always remain high , provided that reset of the flop is not asserted

- Lets try to find the another solution just by writing a HDL pseudo code which translates the problem statement -

always@ (psoedge CLK or negedge rstn)


o/p <= 0;

else if(i/p)

o/p <= 1;


o/p <= o/p;

- Lets see how this HDL code can be realized into a hardware -

Hope, this problem is helpful in understanding digital logic circuit design and can be very helpful during the interviews.

----------------------------------------------------Happy Learning---------------------------------------


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