Ripple Carry Adder:
- A ripple carry adder is a digital combinational circuit that produces the arithmetic sum of two binary numbers
- A N bit ripple carry adder can be constructed using N number of full adders connecting in cascaded manner
- Carry output from each full adder connects to the carry input of next full adder in a chain
Ripple Carry Adder Block Diagram:
Lets assume, propagation delay of a single full adder to generate its carry out signal is 'X' ns and to generate sum output is 'Y'ns
Now, Total time taken to generate carry output for a 16 bit ripple carry adder is 16*X ns. (Carry Output of Nth Full Adder)
Total time taken to generate the sum output is 15*X + Y ns ( Sum output of Nth Full Adder)
Note: Sum output from the last full adder ( Nth Full Adder) will be generated once the carry output from (N-1)th full adder is avialble.
So, the worstcase delay of the 16 Bit Ripple Carry Adder is Max{16*X , (15*X+Y)}
Verilog HDL Code:
// Code your design here
`include ""
module ripple_carry_adder(a_in, b_in, carry_in, sum_o, carry_o);
input [3:0] a_in;
input [3:0] b_in;
input carry_in;
output [3:0] sum_o;
output carry_o;
wire carry_1, carry_2, carry_3;
full_adder FA1(.a_in(a_in[0]), .b_in(b_in[0]), .carry_in(carry_in), .sum_o(sum_o[0]), .carry_o(carry_1));
full_adder FA2(.a_in(a_in[1]), .b_in(b_in[1]), .carry_in(carry_1), .sum_o(sum_o[1]), .carry_o(carry_2));
full_adder FA3(.a_in(a_in[2]), .b_in(b_in[2]), .carry_in(carry_2), .sum_o(sum_o[2]), .carry_o(carry_3));
full_adder FA4(.a_in(a_in[3]), .b_in(b_in[3]), .carry_in(carry_3), .sum_o(sum_o[3]), .carry_o(carry_o));
module full_adder (a_in, b_in, carry_in, sum_o, carry_o);
input a_in;
input b_in;
input carry_in;
output sum_o;
output carry_o;
assign sum_o = (a_in ^ b_in ^ carry_in);
assign carry_o = (((a_in ^ b_in)& carry_in) | (a_in & b_in));
//assign carry_o = ((a_in & b_in) | (b_in & carry_in) | (a_in & carry_in));
module ripple_carry_adder_test
reg [3:0]a_in;
reg [3:0]b_in;
reg carry_in;
wire [3:0]sum_o;
wire carry_o;
// Instantiate design under test
ripple_carry_adder DUT(.a_in(a_in), .b_in(b_in), .carry_in(carry_in), .sum_o(sum_o), .carry_o(carry_o));
initial begin
// Dump waves
a_in = 4'b0000;
b_in = 4'b0000;
carry_in = 1'b0;
#10 a_in = 4'b0000; b_in = 4'b0001; carry_in = 1'b1;
#10 a_in = 4'b0001; b_in = 4'b0001; carry_in = 1'b0;
#10 a_in = 4'b0010; b_in = 4'b0011; carry_in = 1'b1;
#10 a_in = 4'b1111; b_in = 4'b1010; carry_in = 1'b0;
#10 a_in = 4'b1001; b_in = 1'b1000; carry_in = 1'b1;
#10 a_in = 4'b1101; b_in = 4'b1001; carry_in = 1'b0;
#10 a_in = 4'b0001; b_in = 4'b0011; carry_in = 1'b1;
#10 a_in = 4'b0001; b_in = 4'b0000; carry_in = 1'b0;
Thanks !
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