Magnitude Comparator:
- A magnitude comparator is a combinational circuit which is used to compare two binary numbers in order to find out whether one number is equal or greater or less than the other number
Block Diagram of 1 Bit Magnitude Comparator:
Truth Table of 1 Bit Magnitude Comparator:
a_in |
b_in |
a_in > b_in |
a_in = b_in |
a_in < b_in |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Table 1 : 1 Bit Magnitude Comaparator Truth Table
Logic Expression ( From the Truth Table 1 Above):
Lets call a_in > b_in as agb, a_in = b_n as aeq, a_in < b_in as alb
From the truth table :
agb = a_in . b_in';
aeqb = a_in' . b_in + a_in . b_in' ;
aeqb = a_in ^ b_in;
alb = a_in . b_in' ;
Circuit Diagram of 1 Bit Magnitude Caomapartor:
Verilog HDL Code:
module magnitude_comparator_1_bit( a_in, b_in, aeqb_o, agb_o, alb_o ); input a_in; input b_in; output aeqb_o; output agb_o; output alb_o; /* a_in b_in aeqb agb alb 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 */ assign aeqb_o = ((~a_in & ~b_in) | (a_in & b_in)); assign agb_o = (a_in & ~b_in); assign alb_o = (~a_in & b_in); endmodule
module magnitude_comparator_1_bit_test; reg a_in; reg b_in; wire aeqb_o; wire agb_o; wire alb_o; // Instantiate design under test magnitude_comparator_1_bit DUT( .a_in(a_in), .b_in(b_in), .aeqb_o(aeqb_o), .agb_o(agb_o), .alb_o(alb_o) ); initial begin // Dump waves $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars(1); a_in = 1'b0; b_in = 1'b0; #10 a_in = 1'b1; b_in = 1'b0; #10 a_in = 1'b0; b_in = 1'b1; #10 a_in = 1'b1; b_in = 1'b1; #10 a_in = 1'b0; b_in = 1'b0; end endmodule
Thanks !
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