Saturday, July 17, 2021

System Verilog Assertions - Implication Operators

Same Cycle Implication ( |->) :

Only under certain conditions assertions may be valid.

exp1 |-> exp2 ;

If exp1 is true then exp2 must be true at the same evaluation point.

Example :

property SameCyImp

@(negedge CLK) (REQ && ~ACK) |-> BUSY ;


assert property (SameCyImp);

Next Cycle Implication ( |=>) :

exp1 |=> exp2;

If exp1 is true , then exp2 must be true at the next evaluation point.

Example :

property NextCyImp

@(negedge CLK) (REQ && ~ACK) |=> BUSY;


assert property (NextCyImp);

Hope, this blog is helpful to understand the use case of Same Cycle and Next Cycle Implication Operators clearly.

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-------------------------------------------------------------Happy Learning------------------------------


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