Tuesday, August 3, 2021

MIPS Processor Design - Part#1

Through this series of blogs, we will be understanding the design concepts and implementation of MIPS (Micro-Processor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages) Processor Design.

Basically, we will be covering the below design concepts throughout this blog series of MIPS Processor Design -

1) Microprocessor Register Set

2) Microprocessor architecture (Register set and types of instruction support)

3) Specifying the architectural state elements (Program Counter Register, Instruction/Data Memory/Register File etc..)

4) Design of Datapath to support all of included instructions in design

5) Design of Control Unit to generate proper control signals for Datapath usage.

6) Final analysis of design using Simulation carried out in Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7 IDE

7) Understanding advanced microprocessor architecture concepts such as –

Ø Deep Pipelining

Ø Branch Prediction

Ø Superscalar Processors

Ø Out of Order Processors

Ø Register Renaming


Ø Multithreading

Ø Multiprocessors

----------------------------------------------Happy Learning ------------------------------------------


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