Standard Cells :
- The functionality of a chip is designed using the basic blocks of combinational logic gates (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, AOI, OAI) and sequential elements (Flip-Flops, Latches).
- These blocks are predesigned and called standard cells
- The timing information and functionality of these standard cells is available to the user in the form of nothing but called standard cell libraries
Timing Arcs :
- A path from each input pin to the each output pin of a cell
- For sequential cells such as flip-flops timing arc is from clock to the output and from clock to the input data pin
- Timing arcs are of two types -
1) Cell arc
2) Net arc
1) Cell Arc:
- Between an input pin and output pin of cell
- Cell arcs are of two types -
A) Combinational Cell Arc
B) Sequential Cell Arc
A) Combinational Cell Arc :
- Between input and output of a combinational cell
B) Sequential Cell Arc :
- Arc between the clock pin and the input data pin are known as timing check arcs (Setup and hold timing arcs)
- The arc between the clock pin and the flip-flop output pin is sequential delay arc (Clock to Q Delay )
2) Net Arc :
- The arc between source pin (output pin of a cell) and the sink pin (input pin of an another cell)
- These arcs are always a delay timing arcs
In nutshell,
Next: Characteristics of Timing Arc
----------------------------------------------Happy Learning----------------------------------------
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